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Weschler Polycarbonate Enclosures


Designed to insulate and protect industrial controls and components in both indoor and outdoor applications. These injection molded cases are lightweight & impact-resistant with good corrosion resistance. A cost-effective alternative to metal enclosures for protection from dirt, dust, water & mild acids. Includes removable hinge pin & molded bosses for mounting a DIN rail.

  • Indoor & Outdoor Use
  • Opaque or Clear Cover
  • Screw or Snap Latch Closure
  • Optional Hinged Panel
  • NEMA 4X & IP66 Ratings
  • CUL & CSA Approvals


 Optional Aluminum Panels:
 Case  Hinged Front  Fixed Back                   
 AMP664  HFPP66  PLA66
 AMP864  HFPP86  PLA86
 AMP1084  HFPP108  PLA108
 AMP1206  HFPP120  PLA120
 AMP1426  HFPP142  PLA142

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Item # Inside Dim (H x W x D) Cover Hinge Closure Mounting
AMP1206CCNLF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1426NL13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchfeet
AMP1426CCL13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesmetal latchfeet
AMP664CCLF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchflanges
AMP864CCL7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1206L11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1426L13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1084CC9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsfeet
AMP1206CC11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearnoscrewsfeet
AMP1206H11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesscrewsfeet
AMP864H7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsfeet
AMP1426HF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesscrewsflanges
AMP1206HF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesscrewsflanges
AMP664H5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsfeet
AMP6645.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsfeet
AMP1206CCNL11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesplastic latchfeet
AMP864NLF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1206NLF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1084NLF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1426CCLF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1084LF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1426F13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaquenoscrewsflanges
AMP1206CCLF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1084CCF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsflanges
AMP1206CCF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearnoscrewsflanges
AMP864F7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsflanges
AMP120611.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaquenoscrewsfeet
AMP142613.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaquenoscrewsfeet
AMP864CCH7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsfeet
AMP1084H9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsfeet
AMP1206CCH11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesscrewsfeet
AMP1426CCNLF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1084CCNL9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchfeet
AMP864CCLF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchflanges
AMP664LF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1426CC13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearnoscrewsfeet
AMP1206F11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaquenoscrewsflanges
AMP1426CCNL13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesplastic latchfeet
AMP1084CCHF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsflanges
AMP864HF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsflanges
AMP664NLF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1206CCL11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1084CCLF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1206LF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchflanges
AMP10849.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsfeet
AMP664HF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsflanges
AMP1084CCH9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsfeet
AMP1426NLF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchflanges
AMP1206NL11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchfeet
AMP1426LF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchflanges
AMP1084CCL9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchfeet
AMP664CC5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsfeet
AMP8647.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsfeet
AMP664CCNL5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchfeet
AMP1426CCF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearnoscrewsflanges
AMP1084HF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesscrewsflanges
AMP864CCNL7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchfeet
AMP1084L9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchfeet
AMP664CCF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsflanges
AMP664L5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1206CCHF11.92 x 10.15 x 5.98 inclearyesscrewsflanges
AMP864CCNLF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchflanges
AMP864CCHF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsflanges
AMP1426CCH13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesscrewsfeet
AMP1084NL9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchfeet
AMP864NL7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchfeet
AMP864L7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1084F9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsflanges
AMP864CC7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsfeet
AMP664CCH5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsfeet
AMP1426H13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inopaqueyesscrewsfeet
AMP664CCNLF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchflanges
AMP664NL5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesplastic latchfeet
AMP664CCL5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesmetal latchfeet
AMP1426CCHF13.94 x 12.16 x 5.98 inclearyesscrewsflanges
AMP864LF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaqueyesmetal latchflanges
AMP664F5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inopaquenoscrewsflanges
AMP864CCF7.94 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearnoscrewsflanges
AMP664CCHF5.93 x 6.16 x 3.98 inclearyesscrewsflanges
AMP1084CCNLF9.93 x 8.15 x 3.98 inclearyesplastic latchflanges
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