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AEMC Hand-Cranked Megohmmeters


The Megohmmeter Model 6503 is a compact, self-contained, hand-cranked True Megohmmeter®. This practical and dependable instrument is designed for a broad range of plant and field service applications, such as acceptance testing and preventive maintenance of wiring, cables, switchgear and motors. The easy hand-cranked operation provides a steady, DC voltage output across the entire range for consistently reliable readings.

Model 6503 has three test voltages for insulation resistance testing: 250V, 500V and 1000V. Test voltages are generated in full across the entire measurement range.

  • True Megohmmeter®
  • Test voltages of 250V, 500V and 1000V
  • Insulation measurements to 200MΩ and 5000MΩ
  • LED indicates constant voltage output and proper cranked speed
  • Automatic discharge when measurement is finished
  • Auto-Ranging with dual scale operation for better sensitivity and easier readings
  • Voltage display prior to, during and at end of test
  • Compact self-contained package; folding crank
  • Large direct-reading scale
  • CAT III 300V rating

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Item # Description Price
AE/2126.52AEMC Megohmmeter Model 6503 (Hand-cranked, 250V, 500V, 1000V)$670.00
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